Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It is a matter of choice

Everybody can express their points, but you are the one who will decide.

Bila berada di laluan bercabang, selalunya otak ligat berfikir meminta keputusan, namun selalunya juga kita beristikharah lalu mengikut kaki melangkah.

Betapa kasih kepada tanah tempat bermain, tempat isteri adalah di sisi suami. Pun begitu kasih ibu dibawa ke mati.


  1. Maaf atas kempen nih,

    3 years ago, my mom diagnosed with breast ca. stage 4. She has been coping very well with the treatments since then. Now, it metastasized to the lung and bones. This is completely insane and none of the recuperative measures suggested in healing cancer. Please text your supportive words to show support to my mom. She is a strong woman, and your wishes and preyers will make her stronger. (Text to Rosidah Harun at 0195568720, preferably in Malay).

  2. sis buatlah keputusan yang terbaik bagi keduanya..yup istikharah jalan terbaik...InsyaAllah ibu selalunya akan memahami..
